Pages tagged with sbcl

I'm still in the process of tagging pages that were migrated from the old site, so for now you're best off using the search engine rather than relying on the tags.

  • Lisp (SBCL) notes - Command history In Linux, if you want to have command history when in the REPL, e.g. the use of up/down to scroll between previously entered expressions, then you can launch sbcl via rlwrap. Add the following to ~/.bash_aliases: alias lisp='rlwrap sb...
  • SBCL ADSF 2 error - Update: I’ve a better solution / more detail about this here: Slime with SBCL and ASDF 2 on Gentoo. Today I started slime and received an error about ASDF 2: ; loading #P"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime/swank-loader.lisp" debugger invoked on a SIMP...
  • Slime with SBCL and ASDF 2 on Gentoo - I’ve been using Slime recently, configured to use SBCL via (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/sbcl") in ~/.emacs. Of my two Gentoo machines, slime on the x86 box was working fine, provided I masked >dev-lisp/sbcl-1.0.19 to prevent a “ASDF 2 is n...
  • Setting up Bordeaux Threads in SBCL - To set up Bordeaux Threads in SBCL (on Gentoo Linux with slime)… Download Bordeaux Threads from their releases page. Clone Alexandria, because it’s a dependency and BT won’t install without it. I couldn’t find a download link so I cloned (via git...

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